Actuate UK asks for UKCA Mark transition for construction products to be extended

17 June 2021

Actuate UK has issued a warning about serious consequences for businesses, public and commercial projects as well as domestic customers in only six months if a major issue regarding product compliance and standard marking is not resolved. It asks for an extension of the transition time to the new arrangements to avoid delays and allow all products to be tested and accredited.  

Scottish Candidates back industry regulation on CICV Scotland Forum Hustings

04 May 2021

CICV Forum in Scotland, including members of Actuate UK, hosted a special digital hustings with candidates from Scotland’s main political parties. They all agreed that regulation of the construction industry is essential for a safer and more productive future. The importance of skills and training in the industry also won unanimous cross-party agreement from panellists.

Actuate UK backs industry prequalification Standard

29 March 2021

Actuate UK, the umbrella body for the £multi-billion engineering services sector, has expressed its support for the revitalised prequalification Common Assessment Standard. The Common Assessment Standard, which has been developed by Build UK and a range of industry stakeholders, including Actuate UK member bodies, aims to remove wasteful commercial and public sector prequalification through the adoption of widely specified common assessment prequalification (PQ) questions.

Actuate UK Urges All Parties In Wales To Support Construction Supply Chain

23 March 2021

Actuate UK, the engineering services alliance, has urged all political parties in Wales to include in their manifestos measures to support the Welsh construction sector. The proposals in the Actuate UK manifesto align with the key asks of the Wales Construction Federation Alliance [WCFA].